I, Jenne, pledge for the next year to work towards making at least 25% of my wardrobe and at least 25% of my daughters wardrobe. If not more.
I would like to take Seam Allowance as the frame towards a slower path of consumption, to allow for a more thoughtful trajectory to get to the goal of making the 25%. (This is the mantra I am reciting to myself over and over because as you know, I can GET EXCITED ABOUT THINGS. Indeed!) After the momentum builds from the making of wearable clothing, I want to then reach out and do more challenging projects, knowing more about the clothes that I and M will actually wear.
I have been thinking of how to approach what to make by asking myself - where can I act first to make the most impact?
I wear leggings all the time. I am going to start with Cal Patch's tutorial for making leggings to make myself 5 pairs of leggings in various colors to start. I will then make skirts in denim and linen cotton. After that I will have come up with a "wardrobe recipe" for the rest of the pieces to make, shirts and dresses. I want to make for myself is a set of uniforms, leggings, skirts and shirts that are interchangable and can be worn on a daily basis.
For my daughter M I am going to focus too on leggings/pants as well because for her they are also such a major componant of her daily wear. The challenge I see is making enough of each size going forward so that she is not inbetween sizes at any given time. I am going to start sewing the next two sizes for her in leggings to start to grow into.
The other part of her wardrobe I am going to focus on is vests and cardigans. I have a sizable stash of yarn from years and years of spinning yarn and cavorting around the fiber world and will be working exclusively with materials I already have. I am starting with 2 vests and 2 cardigans per size starting with her next size. I would like to make other garments too, dresses, shorts and the like, but to be refined after I get going on these pieces.
To work, to work, to work to work......
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